Friday 19 May 2017

Week 1
This week i have been shooting a few ideas around about what i am going to film so far i have thought about going to the Riverside stadium and doing a in the life of a boro player. I have also thought about doing a homeless person.

Week 2
I have emailed the Riverside stadium about filming there i not yet had a reply. I am thinking about another project instead of this

Week 3
I have had an email back and i cannot film in the Riverside i am going to have to think of a new idea i am thinking about doing something about a homeless man or about a kid who gets abused

Week 4
I have decided to do my film about abuse i now need to find an actor and location.

Week 5
I have talked to my friend Connor Barwick about being the actor he has disagreed. I now have a make up artist agreed Jess has agreed to this role.
Week 6
Connor has now agreed to be my actor I have now also created my story board and script on Adobe Story. I have also made the time table for when I am going to record and edit. Next week I am going to film and the week after that I am going to edit the film. I have also filled out my risk assesment.
Week 7
This week I am filming my film but first i need to finish my call sheet document, my equipment booking form and my contributor release form. I have now finished every document i set my self. I have not yet recorded my film so i have pushed the the film back to next week and all the people i need for the film have agreed to the date which is on Tuesday.
Week 8
I have now changed my booking form to Tuesday and it has been accepted by the office and i have confirmed it with the actor and the make up artist                  

Week 9
I am going to start filming today we are all going to meet outside of the college next to the river. jess will do connors make up to make him look like he has being abused. filming completed. i have put the files onto the D Drive so it is now ready to get edited                          

Week 10
I have started editing the movie i have edited about half way through i now need to find the right music and colour grading. i have finished editing but i have decided to change the song of my minute film and i have gone for a black and white
Week 11
This week I am going to finish the edit. I have now finished the editing and now I am in the process of uploading it to Vimeo and YouTube.

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